プリザーブドフラワー イエロー&ホワイトローズ ブーケ

通常価格 $168.00 USD
販売価格 $168.00 USD 通常価格
保存 0


  • 黄色と白のプリザーブドローズ:喜び、純粋さ、友情、平和をブレンドした黄色と白のプリザーブドローズを9本、18本、24本、36本、50本、75本、100本、300本からお選びいただけます。
  • エレガントなブラックパッケージ: 洗練されたブラックペーパーに包まれたブーケは、洗練されたエレガンスを放ちます。
  • タイムレス・エレガンス:このプリザーブド・ローズは、3年もの間、鮮やかな色と新鮮さを保ち、美しさと喜びを長持ちさせます。
  • 9本の黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー:
    組み合わせの意味: 永遠の友情と純粋な意思を象徴しています。数字の9は永遠を表し、黄色と白のバラとともに、喜び、誠実さ、永遠の調和に満ちた関係や瞬間を伝えます。長きにわたる友情や、意義深いつながりを祝うのに最適です。

  • 18本の黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー:

  • 24本の黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー:

  • 36本の黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー:

  • 黄色と白のバラ50本

  • 75本の黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー:
    組み合わせの意味: 喜びと純粋さとともに育つつながりを伝えます。75という数字は、時間をかけて深まっていく関係や成功を反映し、黄色と白のバラとともに、生き生きとした幸福と平和な意思の両方を表現しています。末永いお付き合いや重要な業績を祝うのに最適です。

  • 100本の黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー:
    組み合わせの意味: 喜び、純粋さ、平和の世紀を表しています。100という数字は完全性を象徴し、黄色と白のバラとともに、幸福、無邪気さ、調和に満ちた関係や達成を映し出します。生涯の成功や愛の記念に最適です。

  • 黄色と白のバラのプリザーブドフラワー300本:


About the プリザーブドフラワー イエロー&ホワイトローズ ブーケ

  • FAQ about the Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet

What is the symbolic significance and cultural impact of the Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet?
The Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet blends the bright, cheerful essence of yellow with the purity and simplicity of white, symbolizing happiness, clarity, and new beginnings. This combination is particularly appealing in cultures that emphasize joy, optimism, and the start of new ventures, making it a popular choice for occasions like weddings, baby showers, and spring celebrations.

What occasions are best suited for the Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet, and how can it be creatively used?
This bouquet is perfect for cheerful celebrations such as Easter gatherings, bridal showers, or any event that signifies a fresh start or joyous occasion. Its sunny and clean palette makes it suitable for spring and summer events, enhancing the decor with its light and airy vibe. Creatively, it can be used as part of festive table settings, incorporated into wedding decor for a bright and welcoming atmosphere, or used in combination with other floral arrangements to create a layered, textured look.

What are the best care tips to maintain the color and shape of the Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet?
To preserve the vibrant yellow and crisp white colors, avoid placing the bouquet in direct sunlight or near heat sources that can cause the colors to fade and the petals to deteriorate. Store it in a cool, dry place, and dust it occasionally to maintain its fresh appearance. Proper care will help extend the life of the bouquet, keeping it beautiful for years to come.

What should be considered when purchasing a Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet in terms of size and style?
When selecting a Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet, consider the size of the space and the nature of the event. A larger bouquet may be appropriate for a main event space or as a central feature in a large room, while a more modest arrangement might be better suited for personal gifting or smaller, intimate spaces. The style of the bouquet should reflect the light, joyful theme of the event or complement a minimalist, clean decor style effectively.

How does giving a Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet as a gift affect the recipient emotionally and psychologically?
Presenting a Yellow and White Ramo Buchon Bouquet can evoke feelings of joy and purity, brightening the recipient’s day and providing a visual refreshment. The colors yellow and white together promote feelings of happiness and calm, making this bouquet a thoughtful gift for lifting spirits and expressing care and thoughtfulness. It's an excellent choice for conveying heartfelt emotions and brightening someone's environment.
