
正常價格 $298.00 USD
銷售價格 $298.00 USD 正常價格
節省 0

用迷人的阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅玫瑰字母 A 燈照亮您的空間。這款精心製作的燈呈字母“A”形,飾有永恆的粉紅玫瑰,散發著優雅和精緻的氣息。該結構由光滑的金屬桿支撐,將字母 A 與金色圓形底座無縫連接,增強了其優雅和現代感。此燈設計方便,可透過 USB 充電,並具有三種迷人的燈光模式,可與任何氛圍相得益彰。阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅玫瑰字母 A 燈有三種不同的尺寸可供選擇:小號、中號和大號,以滿足不同的空間要求和美學偏好,可作為任何裝飾的迷人補充,象徵著永恆的魅力和優雅。

粉紅玫瑰: 粉紅玫瑰是優雅、讚賞和甜蜜的獨特象徵。它們傳達一種喜悅的感覺,並常常與溫柔的愛、感激和優雅聯繫在一起。粉紅玫瑰有著柔和可愛的色調,成為欣賞和精緻美麗的永恆象徵。

阿佛洛狄忒的恩典: 粉紅玫瑰與字母「A」的融合代表著優雅與高貴的精緻融合,體現了與希臘愛與美的女神阿芙羅狄蒂相關的美麗和愛情。阿芙羅狄蒂是愛、激情和美的迷人力量的象徵。

神話背景: 阿佛洛狄忒,奧林匹斯十二主神之一,是愛、美與慾望的女神。她常被描繪成美麗和魅力的化身,讓神靈和凡人都為之著迷。阿芙羅狄蒂的故事強調了愛與美的激勵和改變的力量。

意義和能量: 贈送阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅玫瑰字母 A 燈作為禮物代表著對美麗、愛和優雅的深深欣賞。它像徵著對精緻優雅和愛情迷人力量的慶祝。對自己來說,它可以提醒自己在日常生活中尋找美麗和快樂的重要性,並鼓勵在所有努力中保持愛和優雅。

送禮意義: 作為禮物贈送,阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅玫瑰字母 A 燈象徵著希望收禮者擁抱愛與美。對於那些欣賞生活中優雅迷人方面以及重視美麗​​和優雅的人來說,這是完美的禮物。它是畢業、升職、生日或週年紀念等場合的理想禮物,象徵著愛、優雅和生活的美麗。這盞燈寧靜的光芒和豐富的象徵意義使它成為表達欽佩、愛和支持的絕佳選擇。

自我鼓勵: 對於那些為自己購買的人來說,阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅玫瑰字母 A 燈是一個美麗的提醒,提醒人們保持優雅並在生活中發現美麗。它能促進內心的平靜和精緻的優雅,使其成為個人庇護所或休閒空間的絕佳補充。

場合和節慶: 這款燈非常適合婚禮、週年紀念和喬遷等場合,以及慶祝個人成就和里程碑。對於那些想要以優雅和高貴的方式提升個人空間的人來說,這也是一份貼心的禮物。

  • 永生粉紅玫瑰精心排列成「A」字形狀
  • 光滑的金屬桿和金色圓形底座散發著優雅氣息
  • USB 充電功能,方便使用
  • 三種迷人的燈光模式營造出多元的氛圍
  • 有三種尺寸可供選擇:小號、中號或大號,適合各種空間和喜好

環保材質: 採用永續採購的永恆玫瑰和可回收材料製成,包括環保的綠色 3D 列印樹脂。這盞燈既美觀又環保。

能源效率: 採用USB充電設計,能耗低,節省能源,同時提供優雅的照明。


永生玫瑰的護理: 永恆玫瑰是真實的花朵,經過多年的保存可以保持其美麗。為了保持它們的最佳狀態:

  • 避免陽光直射:陽光直射會導致顏色褪色。
  • 濕度控制:將玫瑰保存在乾燥的環境中。高濕度會導致花瓣枯萎或發黴。
  • 除塵:使用軟刷或吹風機在涼爽、柔和的環境下去除玫瑰上的灰塵。

燈泡維護: 定期用軟布清潔燈,保持其無塵。環保的3D列印樹脂材料耐用且易於維護,確保持久美觀。

保固政策: 包括一年保修,以確保客戶滿意。我們的客戶服務團隊隨時準備協助您解決任何問題。

  • 高度: 5-50cm可選
  • 材料: 永生玫瑰,金屬棒,金色圓形底座
  • 光源: LED 燈,USB 充電
  • 重量: 小號1kg,中號1.5kg,大號2kg

阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅玫瑰字母 A 燈體現了永恆的美麗,永恆的粉紅玫瑰被精心排列成字母“A”的形狀。這款燈由光滑的金屬桿和金色圓形底座支撐,散發出優雅和現代氣息。方便使用 USB 充電,它提供三種令人著迷的燈光模式,讓您為任何場合營造完美的氛圍。此燈有三種尺寸可供選擇:小號、中號和大號,以適應不同的空間和喜好,是任何裝飾的迷人補充。

About the 阿芙羅狄蒂粉紅色玫瑰字母燈

  • 字母A - 愛與願望的象徵
  • 阿芙羅狄蒂 - 愛的女神和粉紅色玫瑰的力量
  • 禮品指南和家居裝飾創意 - 粉紅色的玫瑰

The letter A, as the first in the alphabet, has long been associated with beginnings, ambition, and achievement. Its bold triangular shape represents stability and the pursuit of goals, making it a timeless symbol of progress and strength. When paired with the delicate charm of pink roses, this symbolism deepens, reflecting both emotional warmth and a passion for success.

Pink roses, with their soft hues, evoke feelings of love, gratitude, and admiration. Together with the letter A, they create a unique visual and emotional connection, ideal for celebrating personal milestones or expressing heartfelt sentiments. Whether honoring someone’s name, marking an achievement, or symbolizing affection, the Aphrodite Pink Rose Letter A Lamp becomes a meaningful gesture that speaks to individuality and shared aspirations.

Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, embodies the transformative power of affection and attraction. Her mythological story begins with her birth from the sea foam, symbolizing harmony and the divine connection between love and life. While often linked to red roses, pink roses provide a softer, modern interpretation of her grace, emphasizing admiration, gentleness, and unconditional love.

Pink roses are often seen as a bridge between innocence and passion, making them a fitting representation of Aphrodite’s essence. Their gentle hues reflect the tender side of love, whether romantic, familial, or platonic. The Aphrodite Pink Rose Letter A Lamp captures this balance, blending the goddess’s timeless elegance with contemporary aesthetics. It’s a tribute to Aphrodite’s legacy, perfect for celebrating the bonds that connect us and the beauty that inspires us.

The Aphrodite Pink Rose Letter A Lamp is more than a decorative item; it’s a meaningful gift and a versatile addition to your living space. Its pink roses symbolize admiration and love, while the letter A adds a personal and aspirational touch. Here’s how it fits into different scenarios:

Gift Guide

  • For Romantic Occasions: Pink roses symbolize love in its gentlest form, making this lamp a thoughtful gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or proposals. Pair it with a note that says, “You are my inspiration and my peace,” to express your feelings with elegance.
  • For Celebrating Achievements: The letter A stands for ambition and success, making this lamp an ideal gift for graduations, promotions, or new beginnings. The pink roses add warmth and encouragement, reminding the recipient of their accomplishments and potential.
  • For Cherished Connections: Whether it’s for a friend, family member, or loved one, this lamp becomes a symbol of gratitude and admiration. The combination of pink roses and the letter A turns it into a personal and heartfelt gesture.

Home Decor Ideas

  • Living Room Charm: Place the lamp on a side table or mantel to infuse your living space with warmth and elegance. Pink roses create a welcoming atmosphere, ideal for gatherings or quiet evenings.
  • Bedroom Retreat: Use the lamp as a bedside light to create a serene and romantic ambiance. Its soft pink glow promotes relaxation, perfect for winding down after a busy day.
  • Creative Workspaces: Add the lamp to your desk or creative corner to inspire imagination and positivity. Pink roses, with their association with harmony, help balance productivity with comfort.
  • Dining Table Elegance: As a centerpiece, the lamp enhances intimate dinners and celebrations with its understated beauty and symbolic charm.

Feng Shui Applications

In Feng Shui, pink roses and their soft tones are linked to the Fire element, representing passion, joy, and renewal. Here’s how to integrate the lamp for maximum harmony:

  • South Sector: Place the lamp in the southern area of your home to enhance fame and recognition, as this sector aligns with the Fire element.
  • Southwest Sector: Pink roses are associated with relationships and love, making the lamp ideal for the southwest area to strengthen bonds and emotional connections.
  • Harmony in Design: The upward strokes of the letter A signify growth, while the circular base represents unity. Together with pink roses, they create balanced energy that fosters peace and positivity throughout your space.


每個 字母燈 開始於 精確的 3D 建模,確保 完美的比例、流暢的曲線和最佳的光擴散。這 高精度3D列印 流程保證 無縫、超精細的細節, 儘管 手動打磨、拋光和打磨 創建一個 奢華級、完美無瑕-全部 精心手工製作 追求完美。