
正常價格 $298.00 USD
銷售價格 $298.00 USD 正常價格
節省 0

用迷人的阿波羅綠玫瑰字母 A 燈照亮您的空間。這款精心製作的燈呈現字母「A」形,飾有永恆的綠玫瑰,散發著更新和精緻的氣息。該結構由光滑的金屬桿支撐,將字母 A 與金色圓形底座無縫連接,增強了其優雅和現代感。此燈設計方便,可透過 USB 充電,並具有三種迷人的燈光模式,可與任何氛圍相得益彰。阿波羅綠玫瑰字母 A 燈有三種不同的尺寸可供選擇:小號、中號和大號,以滿足不同的空間要求和美學偏好,它可以為任何裝飾增添魅力,象徵著永恆的魅力和優雅。

綠玫瑰: 綠玫瑰是成長、和諧與更新的獨特象徵。它們傳達一種平衡感,並且常常與生命、活力和復興有關。綠玫瑰有著清新、鮮豔的色彩,是健康與安寧的象徵。

阿波羅的復興: 綠玫瑰與字母「A」的融合代表著更新與優雅的精緻融合,體現了希臘太陽、音樂和治癒之神阿波羅的活力和賦予生命的存在。阿波羅是和諧、靈感和光明復興力量的象徵。

神話背景: 阿波羅是希臘神話中最受尊敬的神之一,與生活的許多方面有關,包括藝術、醫學和預言。阿波羅以其美貌、力量和音樂天賦而聞名,其影響力廣泛,象徵著更新、成長和治癒的力量。

意義和能量: 贈送阿波羅綠玫瑰字母 A 燈作為禮物代表著對成長、和諧和生活更新的深深欣賞。它像徵著對新開始和自然平衡的慶祝。對自己來說,它可以提醒自己滋養自己和擁抱更新能量的重要性,促進個人成長和和諧。

送禮意義: 作為禮物贈送時,阿波羅綠玫瑰字母 A 燈象徵著希望收禮者能夠發揮其成長和更新的潛力。對於那些欣賞生活和諧與活力以及重視平衡和新開始的人來說,這是一個完美的禮物。它是畢業、升職、生日或週年紀念等場合的理想禮物,象徵著更新、和諧和新冒險的活力。這盞燈的鮮豔光芒和豐富的象徵意義使它成為表達欽佩、愛和鼓勵的絕佳選擇。

自我鼓勵: 對於那些為自己購買的人來說,阿波羅綠玫瑰字母 A 燈是一個美麗的提醒,提醒他們保持平衡並擁抱新機會。它鼓勵自我成長和和諧,使其成為個人庇護所或工作空間的絕佳補充。

場合和節慶: 這款燈非常適合生日、週年紀念和個人里程碑等場合,以及慶祝新的開始和成就。它也是喬遷慶賀的貼心禮物,以及在重大生活變化時表達欽佩和支持的一種表達。

  • 永恆的綠玫瑰精心排列成字母“A”的形狀
  • 光滑的金屬桿和金色圓形底座散發著優雅氣息
  • USB 充電功能,方便使用
  • 三種迷人的燈光模式營造出多元的氛圍
  • 有三種尺寸可供選擇:小號、中號或大號,適合各種空間和喜好

環保材質: 採用永續採購的永恆玫瑰和可回收材料製成,包括環保的綠色 3D 列印樹脂。這盞燈既美觀又環保。

能源效率: 採用USB充電設計,能耗低,節省能源,同時提供優雅的照明。


永生玫瑰的護理: 永恆玫瑰是真實的花朵,經過多年的保存可以保持其美麗。為了保持它們的最佳狀態:

  • 避免陽光直射:陽光直射會導致顏色褪色。
  • 濕度控制:將玫瑰保存在乾燥的環境中。高濕度會導致花瓣枯萎或發黴。
  • 除塵:使用軟刷或吹風機在涼爽、柔和的環境下去除玫瑰上的灰塵。

燈泡維護: 定期用軟布清潔燈,保持其無塵。環保的3D列印樹脂材料耐用且易於維護,確保持久美觀。

保固政策: 包括一年保修,以確保客戶滿意。我們的客戶服務團隊隨時準備協助您解決任何問題。

  • 高度: 5-50cm可選
  • 材料: 永生玫瑰,金屬棒,金色圓形底座
  • 光源: LED 燈,USB 充電
  • 重量: 小號1kg,中號1.5kg,大號2kg

阿波羅綠玫瑰字母 A 燈以永恆的綠玫瑰精心排列成字母“A”的形狀,體現了永恆的美麗。這款燈由光滑的金屬桿和金色圓形底座支撐,散發出優雅和現代氣息。方便使用 USB 充電,它提供三種令人著迷的燈光模式,讓您為任何場合營造完美的氛圍。此燈有三種尺寸可供選擇:小號、中號和大號,以適應不同的空間和喜好,是任何裝飾的迷人補充。

About the 阿波羅綠玫瑰字母燈

  • 字母a
  • 阿波羅 - 希臘的更新和康復之神
  • 禮品指南和家居裝飾的想法

The letter A has always represented beginnings, ambition, and the pursuit of excellence. Its triangular form, with strong upward strokes, symbolizes stability and the drive to reach greater heights. When paired with green roses, the symbolism is enriched, highlighting themes of growth, harmony, and rejuvenation. Green roses, with their vibrant hue, embody renewal and balance, making them the perfect complement to the inspiring energy of the letter A.

The Apollo Green Rose Letter A Lamp fuses these ideas, creating a powerful representation of progress and vitality. Whether celebrating a new beginning, personal achievements, or honoring someone’s journey, the combination of green roses and the letter A reflects ambition nurtured by balance and growth.

Apollo, one of the most revered figures in Greek mythology, is the god of the sun, music, poetry, and healing. His story is one of beauty, strength, and creativity, embodying the power of light and renewal. Apollo’s influence extends to all aspects of life, representing harmony, energy, and the constant pursuit of growth and enlightenment.

The Apollo Green Rose Letter A Lamp reflects his dynamic spirit through its vibrant green roses, which symbolize the rejuvenating forces of nature. Just as Apollo inspired art and brought healing to the world, this lamp brings renewal and harmony to any space. The connection to Apollo’s mythology makes it an exceptional gift for those embarking on new adventures, celebrating achievements, or seeking inspiration in their daily lives.

The Apollo Green Rose Letter A Lamp is both a meaningful gift and a versatile decor piece, combining the revitalizing symbolism of green roses with the bold elegance of the letter A. Here’s how it fits into various occasions and spaces:

Gift Guide

  • For New Beginnings: Green roses symbolize growth and renewal, making this lamp a thoughtful gift for graduations, housewarmings, or promotions. It’s a perfect way to celebrate someone’s fresh start and encourage their journey forward.
  • For Romantic Gestures: Express admiration and appreciation with a lamp that symbolizes balance and harmony in love. Pair it with a note like, “Our love grows stronger with every step forward,” for anniversaries or Valentine’s Day.
  • For Personal Reflections: The letter A inspires ambition, and the green roses promote balance, making this lamp an excellent self-gift for those who want to cultivate harmony and progress in their lives.

Home Decor Ideas

  • Living Room Vitality: Place the lamp in a central spot to bring a fresh, vibrant touch to your living room. Green roses add energy and harmony, enhancing the room’s overall ambiance.
  • Bedroom Serenity: Use the lamp as a bedside light to create a soothing environment for relaxation and rejuvenation. Its soft glow and calming green hue promote restful energy.
  • Workspace Focus: Green roses symbolize growth and clarity, making the lamp a perfect addition to your workspace. Its design inspires creativity and productivity while maintaining a sense of tranquility.
  • Dining Room Elegance: Add the lamp as a centerpiece for your dining table to create a welcoming and harmonious atmosphere, perfect for family meals or gatherings.

Feng Shui Applications

Green, representing the Wood element in Feng Shui, symbolizes growth, vitality, and renewal. Here’s how to incorporate the lamp for optimal energy flow:

  • East Sector: Place the lamp in the eastern area of your home to enhance health, family harmony, and personal growth.
  • Southeast Sector: Green roses align with wealth and abundance, making this lamp ideal for the southeast area to attract prosperity and success.
  • Balancing Energy: The letter A’s upward strokes signify ambition, while the golden base grounds the design. Combined with green roses, the lamp creates a balanced energy that harmonizes and revitalizes your space.

Why Green Roses Matter
Green roses are a rare and meaningful symbol of life, growth, and harmony. Their fresh hue evokes renewal and tranquility, making them perfect for inspiring positivity and progress. Paired with the bold letter A, they represent a blend of ambition and balance, creating a striking visual and emotional connection.

The Apollo Green Rose Letter A Lamp is more than a decor piece—it’s a symbol of aspiration, rejuvenation, and timeless elegance. Whether gifted to celebrate a milestone or used to elevate your home, this lamp embodies the revitalizing power of green roses and the inspiring energy of Apollo’s legacy.


每個 字母燈 開始於 精確的 3D 建模,確保 完美的比例、流暢的曲線和最佳的光擴散。這 高精度3D列印 流程保證 無縫、超精細的細節, 儘管 手動打磨、拋光和打磨 創建一個 奢華級、完美無瑕-全部 精心手工製作 追求完美。