拉莫·布丘(Ramo Buchon)白色天鵝絨je下

正常價格 $188.00 USD
銷售價格 $188.00 USD 正常價格
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Ramo Buchon 白色天鵝絨威嚴

探索拉莫布雄 (Ramo Buchon) 白色天鵝絨雄偉 (White Velvet Majesty) 的永恆優雅,這是一束奢華的純白色永生玫瑰,精心製作而成,象徵著純潔和優雅。這束花束裝在一個令人驚嘆的白色天鵝絨圓形帽盒中,散發著精緻與寧靜,成為人生最難忘的慶祝活動的完美核心。

花束有多種尺寸可供選擇,無需維護即可保持其自然美觀 3-5 年,是與其傳達的情感一樣持久的禮物。無論是慶祝新的開始、浪漫的里程碑還是盛大的場合,Ramo Buchon 白色天鵝絨威嚴都是優雅和愛情的終極表達。

About the 拉莫·布丘(Ramo Buchon)白色天鵝絨je下

  • 白玫瑰的象徵意義
  • 尺寸選項
  • 為什麼選擇Ramo Buchon White Velvet ma下?

The Ramo Buchon White Velvet Majesty is adorned with preserved white roses, each carrying profound symbolism:

  • Purity and Grace: Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions and new beginnings.
  • Serenity and Elegance: A calming presence that enhances any space.
  • Timeless Beauty: An ideal choice for conveying enduring love and admiration.

These roses are carefully selected to preserve their natural beauty, creating a meaningful and lasting impression.

Choose the ideal size of the Ramo Buchon White Velvet Majesty to convey the perfect message:

  • 50 White Roses: Representing innocence and pure intentions, this size is ideal for expressing heartfelt admiration or celebrating new beginnings.
  • 75 White Roses: A symbol of tranquility and grace, perfect for honoring meaningful milestones and cherished relationships.
  • 100 White Roses: Embodying eternal devotion and sincerity, this size makes a profound statement of enduring love and commitment.
  • 300+ White Roses: The ultimate display of luxury and elegance, ideal for grand gestures such as weddings, proposals, or significant life celebrations.

Still unsure which size best suits your occasion? Contact us for expert guidance tailored to your needs.

Pristine Design: The white roses and velvet box create a strikingly elegant presentation.

Long-lasting Beauty: With preservation lasting 3-5 years, this bouquet offers unmatched durability.

Customizable Options: Available in multiple sizes to match every need and occasion.
