
正常价格 $88.00 USD
销售价格 $88.00 USD 正常价格

走進 Imaginary Worlds 的赫卡忒的蘋果禮盒永恆之愛:粉紅與黑玫瑰版的迷人境界,永恆的優雅與異想天開的設計交織在一起。蘋果形寶藏的精緻粉紅色象徵著信任、忠誠和智慧,為神奇的體驗奠定了基礎。其間鑲嵌著一朵神秘的黑玫瑰,喚起深度和陰謀,高 8-10 厘米,散發著永恆奉獻的情感。

  • 永恆玫瑰:在這個永恆玫瑰盒的中心有一朵精心保存的黑玫瑰,象徵著永恆的愛和純潔。
  • 獨特的蘋果設計:這款蘋果形狀的奇蹟由Imaginary Worlds 的工匠精心打造,尺寸為13 x 9.5 x 13 厘米,體現了持久情感的精髓,非常適合那些珍貴的時刻。 >
  • 多功能項鍊選項:這款禮盒配有五條優雅項鍊,提供多種個人化選擇,讓您以真正獨特的方式表達您的愛意。



  • 西方文化:蘋果象徵知識、不朽、誘惑和人類的墮落,正如亞當和夏娃的故事中所見。
  • 中國文化:蘋果象徵平安與安全,人們常在農曆新年期間贈送蘋果以祈求好運。
  • 希臘神話:金蘋果是美麗與不和的象徵,如特洛伊戰爭故事所見。


  • 神秘優雅:深黑色代表神秘、優雅和精緻,非常適合神秘而時尚的場合。
  • 強大的情感:黑玫瑰象徵強大的情感和深刻、變革性的愛。
  • 新的開始與告別:黑玫瑰也可以像徵新的開始與告別,呼應改變的改變力量。


  • 信任與忠誠:柔和的粉紅色象徵信任和忠誠,非常適合表達深沉、忠實的愛。
  • 智慧與慈悲:粉紅色也與智慧和慈悲連結在一起,非常適合表達衷心的姿態。


  • 浪漫慶典:非常適合週年紀念日、情人節或任何浪漫慶典,象徵著深沉、神秘和忠誠的愛情。
  • 節日:萬聖節期間擁抱神秘精神的貼心禮物,或冬至期間慶祝季節魔力的貼心禮物。
  • 個人里程碑:慶祝生日、畢業或個人成就,增添一絲優雅和神秘。


  • 作為禮物送給他人:這款優雅的禮盒象徵著對神秘、優雅和持久情感的衷心祝愿,使其成為送給親人的完美禮物。
  • 作為給自己的禮物:擁抱自愛並慶祝個人成長和轉變,使其成為您自己收藏中的有意義的補充。


About the 赫卡忒的蘋果禮盒永恆的愛:粉紅玫瑰版

  • Design Concept: Hecate’s Mystical Charm and Depth
  • The Symbolism of Pink Apples and Black Roses
  • Perfect Occasions for Hecate’s Apple Gift Box

The Hecate's Apple Gift Box is inspired by the goddess Hecate, a powerful symbol of mystery, magic, and transformation in Greek mythology. Known as the goddess of the night and witchcraft, Hecate embodies deep emotions and enigmatic beauty. The black rose within this gift box reflects her profound essence, symbolizing elegance, mystery, and powerful transformation. Paired with the pink apple, representing trust, loyalty, and wisdom, this design creates a perfect harmony, celebrating love that is as deep and transformative as Hecate’s mystical allure.

The combination of a pink apple and black rose in this gift box tells a story of contrasts and balance:

  • Black Roses: Often seen as symbols of mystery, elegance, and powerful emotions, black roses signify the strength of transformative love. They also embody new beginnings and the beauty found in farewells, making them a poignant choice for marking significant life events.
  • Pink Apples: The pink apple adds a sense of warmth, trust, and compassion to the gift box, balancing the enigmatic nature of the black rose with a softer, nurturing element.

Together, these elements create a gift that reflects both the profound mystery and the enduring affection shared in relationships, making it perfect for meaningful and transformative connections.

This versatile gift box is perfect for occasions that celebrate deep emotional connections or individuality, such as Romantic Celebrations like anniversaries or Valentine’s Day, symbolizing mysterious and transformative love; Festive Seasons like Halloween or the Winter Solstice, embracing mystical spirit and new beginnings; and Personal Milestones like graduations, promotions, or significant birthdays, reflecting personal growth. Ideal for a Romantic Partner, it expresses profound love with elegance; for a Close Friend, it highlights their uniqueness; and for Family Members, it conveys loyalty, trust, and heartfelt affection with sophistication.

Eternal Love Gift Box: Forever Yours

Discover the Red Apple Eternal Love Gift Box, where classic elegance meets personalized charm. This unique gift box features a preserved red rose and customizable necklace options, making it the perfect choice for expressing enduring love on romantic occasions, across long distances, or with a personalized touch. Celebrate your special moments with a keepsake that symbolizes deep, everlasting love.

Unveil the Perfect Symbol of Everlasting Affection for Every Special Occasion