Majestic Allure 寶藍色蝴蝶燈

正常价格 $299.00 USD
销售价格 $299.00 USD 正常价格

體驗 Majestic Allure 皇家藍蝴蝶燈的雄偉魅力。富麗堂皇的寶藍色蝴蝶在金色金屬框架周圍優雅地翩翩起舞,象徵著高貴、權力和精緻。這款燈散發出濃鬱的藍色光芒,為任何空間增添一抹華麗氣息,非常適合正式場合或優雅場合。有奈米、迷你、小型、中型和大型尺寸可供選擇,以適應不同的房間尺寸。非常適合作為特殊里程碑的禮物或慶祝成就。




寶藍色蝴蝶象徵高貴、權力和成熟。它常常提醒您擁抱內在的力量,並以尊嚴和自信應對生活的挑戰。寶藍色蝴蝶鼓勵您認識到自己的價值,並以優雅和權威來領導。在許多文化中,它也被視為智慧和品格深度的象徵。寶藍色蝴蝶的出現,尤其是與數字 555 天使結合,象徵著重大的生活變化和個人成長,引導您以泰然自若和堅韌的態度擁抱轉變。













  • 金色金屬框架上優雅地飾有富麗堂皇的皇家藍色蝴蝶
  • 華麗的藍色光芒營造出奢華的氛圍
  • USB 充電,方便
  • 提供奈米、迷你、小型、中型和大型尺寸








擁抱變化和成長:看到皇家藍色蝴蝶通常與編號 555 的天使同時出現。數字555象徵著改變和適應新環境的能力,而寶藍色蝴蝶則代表著力量和成熟。它們共同引導您充滿信心地擁抱變化,並認識到成長和個人發展的機會。

環保材料:採用可持續來源的材料和可回收組件製成,包括環保的綠色 3D 列印樹脂。這款燈既美觀又環保。




  • 避免陽光直射:陽光直射會導致顏色褪色。
  • 濕度控制:將燈保持在乾燥的環境。高濕度會損害嬌嫩的蝴蝶。
  • 除塵:使用軟刷或吹風機在涼爽、柔和的環境下除塵。



  • 高度:選擇5-50cm
  • 材質:金屬棒,金色圓形底座
  • 光源:LED 燈,USB 充電
  • 重量:小號1kg,中號1.5kg,大號2kg

Majestic Allure 皇家藍蝴蝶燈體現了永恆的美麗,皇家藍蝴蝶在金色金屬框架周圍優雅地翩翩起舞。 USB 充電方便,它發出濃鬱的藍色光芒,為任何空間增添華麗和精緻。這款燈有奈米、迷你、小型、中型和大型尺寸可供選擇,可為任何裝飾增添迷人的魅力。

Butterfly Lamp Collection – Detailed Craftsmanship & Production Process

The Butterfly Lamp Collection by Imaginary Worlds is a luxurious fusion of forever roses, advanced 3D printing technology, and artisan craftsmanship, creating a butterfly-shaped illuminated floral sculpture. Each piece is a testament to intricate handcrafting, designed to symbolize transformation, elegance, and eternal beauty. The creation of these lamps requires a multi-stage process involving precision engineering, floral artistry, and meticulous quality control.

1. 3D Modeling & High-Precision Printing

1. 3D Modeling & High-Precision Printing

The foundation of the Butterfly Lamp begins with advanced 3D modeling, ensuring a perfectly balanced, symmetrical butterfly shape that captures both realism and artistic fluidity. The designing phase is highly intricate, as the butterfly’s delicate wings must be engineered for both aesthetic appeal and structural durability.

Once the model is finalized, the 3D printing process begins:

  • The butterfly structure is printed with high-precision technology, ensuring fine details such as smooth wing curvature and precise contour lines.
  • Unlike conventional molding, 3D printing allows for ultra-fine resolution, capturing every subtle detail of the butterfly’s natural elegance.
  • The raw print undergoes extensive manual refinement, including sanding, polishing, and buffing, to ensure a smooth, flawless surface with no imperfections.
  • The finishing process is done entirely by hand, ensuring each lamp meets luxury-grade quality standards.
2. Structural Engineering: Metal Stand & Internal Support System

2. Structural Engineering: Metal Stand & Internal Support System

The butterfly is gracefully mounted on a custom-engineered metal stand, which goes through a separate precision manufacturing process to ensure stability, durability, and aesthetic harmony.

  • The stand is crafted from high-quality metal, then coated with copper electroplating, giving it a refined, golden metallic sheen that resists oxidation and tarnishing.
  • The ergonomic weight distribution ensures that the butterfly remains securely balanced, despite its lightweight yet intricate structure.
  • The assembly joints are reinforced, allowing for a secure, floating effect while maintaining visual elegance.

Additionally, internal reinforcements are carefully added to support the placement of forever roses, ensuring the lamp retains its shape over time without structural compromise.

3. Forever Rose Selection & Handcrafting: A Complex Art Form

3. Forever Rose Selection & Handcrafting: A Complex Art Form

Unlike mass-produced artificial floral decorations, the Butterfly Lamp Collection incorporates real preserved roses, meticulously selected and arranged by expert artisans.

Selecting the Perfect Roses

Each Forever Rose is hand-selected based on a strict quality control process to ensure:

  • Perfect petal symmetry – creating a naturally balanced, rounded shape.
  • Vibrant, long-lasting coloration – ensuring deep, rich pigments.
  • Soft-touch preservation – so the petals remain delicate yet durable, without becoming brittle.

Handcrafted Floral Arrangement

The butterfly shape is not simply “covered” with roses—each individual rose is carefully positioned to enhance the natural flow of the wings.

  • The arrangement process requires hours of manual work, as artisans strategically place each rose to create a full-bodied, symmetrical floral sculpture.
  • Flowers must be positioned at precise angles, ensuring an even, visually pleasing distribution.
  • The roses are securely placed using expert techniques, preventing shifting while maintaining a natural, organic appearance.

This highly specialized handcrafting process ensures that each Butterfly Lamp is unique, with its own artistic personality.

4. Advanced LED Integration: Soft, Adjustable Illumination

4. Advanced LED Integration: Soft, Adjustable Illumination

A key feature of the Butterfly Lamp is its warm LED lighting system, designed to softly illuminate the roses while enhancing the translucency of the butterfly wings. This step requires highly technical precision:

  • A custom LED circuit system is designed to evenly diffuse light across the butterfly’s structure.
  • Diffuser layers are strategically positioned inside the lamp, ensuring that the wings emit a soft, ethereal glow, rather than harsh, direct light.
  • The lamp is USB rechargeable, offering convenient and eco-friendly operation.
  • The touch sensor control is seamlessly embedded, allowing users to turn the light on and off with a simple tap.
5.Final Assembly & Multi-Stage Quality Inspection

5.Final Assembly & Multi-Stage Quality Inspection

Once the 3D-printed butterfly structure, metal stand, LED system, and preserved roses are combined, each unit undergoes a strict multi-stage quality control process to guarantee flawless craftsmanship and durability.

Testing & Inspection

Each lamp is individually evaluated in multiple phases:

  • Structural stability testing – ensuring all components are perfectly secured.
  • Light diffusion analysis – verifying that the LEDs create a uniform, balanced glow.
  • Floral arrangement assessment – making sure the roses are perfectly aligned and symmetrical.

Only after successfully passing each stage of quality inspection is the Butterfly Lamp prepared for final packaging.

How does Imaginary Worlds bring forever roses to life in the Butterfly Lamp Collection?

Imaginary Worlds transforms forever roses into a luminous masterpiece with the Butterfly Lamp Collection. Each lamp is crafted through precision 3D printing, ensuring an elegant butterfly shape, while hand-placed forever roses enhance its delicate beauty. Soft LED lighting adds a warm, ethereal glow, highlighting the intricate floral arrangement. Combining advanced craftsmanship with artistic floral design, this collection reimagines forever roses as both a symbol of transformation and an exquisite decorative statement.