The Ramo Buchón Sunset Heart is a radiant and elegant bouquet, featuring preserved red, orange, and yellow roses meticulously arranged in a heart shape. This exquisite arrangement, nestled in a sophisticated white round box, symbolizes warmth, passion, and everlasting love. Perfect as a vibrant gift or as a centerpiece that will continuously captivate and impress.
Key Features:
Luxurious Composition: A stunning array of preserved red, orange, and yellow roses in a heart shape.
Elegant Presentation: Arranged in an elegant white round box with a sophisticated design.
Long-lasting Beauty: Requires no water or maintenance and lasts for up to three years.
Fresh Look: Roses maintain their soft texture and flexibility, just like fresh blooms.
Opulent Tradition: Brings a touch of opulent Mexican 'ramo buchón' tradition to your decor.
Available Sizes:
25 Roses: Ideal for expressing first-time love or commemorating a special day.
50 Roses: Symbolizes deep and steady affection, perfect for deepening relationships.
100 Roses: Represents a promise of eternal love, making it perfect for significant commitments or celebrations.
300 Roses: Embodies ultimate romance and endless love, ideal for proposals or major celebrations.